Arie Schilder
+ 31 6 533 65 000

Senior marine surveyor
Member of the management team of Charles Taylor Netherlands​
Member of the IVR (International Association the Rhine Ships Register) for the SPO (Damage Prevention Inspection)

Arie graduated as a Maritime officer from Rotterdam Mainport University, with diploma C and HWTK certification for all ships including steamships. He subsequently worked for twelve years as a maritime officer, reaching the rank of chief engineer, on the most advanced vessels of Boskalis Dredging. In that function, he was also involved in various new-build projects and dockings. 

Arie entered service with Verschoor & Bras in 2001. Since then, he has developed into an all-round expert in the domain of deepsea and inland shipping. 

 In addition, he is entitled to execute damage prevention examinations (SPO) for Dutch Corporate Insurers and hull and machinery underwriters. In 2009, Arie was promoted to the position of senior marine surveyor. He holds procuration and is also engaged in the training of junior surveyors. 

A Charles Taylor company

Verschoor & Bras BV

Burg. Hazenberglaan 403
3078 HG Rotterdam
CoC no. 24127591
+31 (0)10 479 59 55 - (24/7)